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With all the current excitement over the Wimbledon Championships at the All England Club, we here at Odom Health & Wellness decided to discuss the benefits that come with playing tennis.

1. According to a recent study, “People who participate in tennis three hours per week (at moderately vigorous intensity) cut their risk of death in half from any cause.” This is according to physician Ralph Paffenbarger of Harvard University School of Public Health. (Paffenbarger not only studied over 10,000 people over a period of 20 years in his landmark ‘College Alumni Health Study’, but also finished over 150 marathons over the age of 45.) We agree. Playing tennis comes with many benefits because it requires almost every part of the body to be involved in the activity. And no, tennis on your Wii doesn’t have the same benefits as outdoor tennis.

2. Tennis burns tons of calories. In fact, it has been proven that playing outdoor tennis against a team or an opponent burns almost twice the amount of calories than working out by roller skating, cycling or an hour of aerobics.

3. Playing tennis lowers anxiety and depression rates. If you play tennis, your mind is busy focusing on the ball and the game. When your mind is focusing, especially on something positive, it is unlikely that you will suffer from an anxiety attach. And, the competition releases dopamine in the brain, reducing the chances of suffering from depression.

So you see, playing tennis comes with many benefits. You will find yourself in better physical and mental shape from playing the game and you could live longer!