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Cold Cuts, Healthy or Not?

by | Dec 9, 2014 | Healthy Food, Weight Loss and Maintenance

Odom Health & Wellness is unable to provide nutrition and weight loss services for individuals living outside of Minnesota

There seems to be a perception that low-sodium and white meat cold cuts are good for you. The truth is any cold cut is filled with preservatives. Period. Sure, white meat cold cuts are better than selections of pistachio-laced bologna or hard salami, but organic and fresh cuts of turkey breast will always offer more benefits to your body when compared to anything found at the deli counter.

This said, we realize people get busy and the deli counter offers convenience and affordability. So, we figured we would help you understand the deli counter’s “better” choices on today’s blog.

1.       Avoid processed red meats all together.   A study in the journal Circulation found that a daily dose of 50 grams (about two slices) of processed red meats such as bologna and salami increases heart-disease risk by 42 percent and diabetes risk by 19 percent.

2.       If you have to buy cheese, buy Swiss. Why? Swiss has 83 percent less sodium than American cheese. Mozzarella is also a good low-fat choice. Remember, ask to get your cheese sliced as thin as possible without it being shaved.

3.       Low-sodium anything and everything when possible. While whole cuts of turkey meat are best for sandwiches, if you’re buying turkey from the deli then it is best to request the low sodium version.

Remember, moderation is always key no matter what you eat. When shopping for your family and yourself please consider batch cooking for main healthy meals and buy pre-cut veggies (even if they are more expensive) if this will save you time and provide a healthy, convenient option.