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Nutrition Coaching in Minneapolis

Nutrition is the foundation of your health. At Odom Health & Wellness we provide compassionate one-on-one Nutrition Coaching at our clinic in Minnetonka, MN. Let our team of caring professionals draft a custom nutrition plan for you based on your overall health, medical history and well-being goals. Lose weight, manage disorders and eat healthier with guidance from our medical professionals.

Many Insurance Plans cover one or more Nutrition Counseling appointments per year. Fill the form out below to have our billing specialist find out if your plan covers nutrition coaching.

5 Great Features of Our Coaching Plans

Personalized Meal Plans

Personalized nutrition coaching begins with creating meal plans tailored to an individual’s unique needs, preferences, and goals. These plans take into account various factors such as dietary restrictions, food allergies, lifestyle, and specific health objectives. Our aim is to provide balanced and enjoyable meals that support overall health and well-being, ensuring that nutritional needs are met while also accommodating personal tastes and preferences.

Recommended Supplementation

Based on a thorough assessment of dietary intake, health status, and specific nutritional gaps, our nutrition coaching services in Minneapolis often include recommendations for supplements. This could range from vitamins and minerals to probiotics and other dietary aids. The goal is to fill any nutritional voids that might not be fully addressed through diet alone, thereby optimizing health outcomes and supporting specific health conditions or performance goals.


A crucial component of personalized nutrition coaching is ongoing support. This includes regular check-ins, progress tracking, and adjustments to the nutrition plan as needed. Coaches provide encouragement, troubleshoot challenges, and offer solutions to help individuals stay on track. This supportive relationship is key to maintaining motivation and ensuring long-term success.


Education is a fundamental aspect of personalized nutrition coaching at Odom Health and Wellness. Our coaches empower individuals with knowledge about nutrition, helping them understand how different foods and nutrients affect their bodies. This educational component ensures that individuals not only follow a plan but also gain insights into making healthier choices independently. Understanding the rationale behind dietary recommendations fosters a deeper commitment to healthy eating habits.

Changes and Updates

Personalized nutrition plans are not static; they evolve based on the individual’s progress, changing goals, and any new health information that arises. Regular assessments and feedback allow for necessary adjustments to the meal plans, supplementation, and strategies. This dynamic approach ensures that the nutrition plan remains effective and relevant, adapting to any new challenges or achievements in the individual’s health journey.

We Provide Nutrition Coaching in Minneapolis For:

  • Weight Loss
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Body Composition Changes
  • Gut Health (key to our overall health)
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Improved Performance
  • Improved Mental Health
  • Improved General Health

What to Look for in a Nutrition Professional: Accountability

Accountability is one of the most important aspects of overall wellness and nutrition programming. By working with our team, you will not only get the proper care, but you will have accountability to ensure that you meet your nutrition goals. Our individualized approach to nutrition counseling will help you feel better in the short-term and lay the foundation for your future health & wellness.

A nutritionist holds a plate of healthy foods.

Nutrition Counseling FAQ

What is nutrition counseling?

Nutrition counseling is a medically supported process in which we assess your nutrition levels, identify areas for improvement and create a diet plan that provides your body with the nutrition it needs. We believe that nutrition is a primary component of overall health and we strive to provide the best nutritional insight and education so that our patients feel their best.

What should I expect from a consultation?

During your consultation, you’ll receive a detailed assessment of your current nutrition levels from a registered dietician. From there we’ll determine what types of dietary changes are best for your body and lifestyle and then discuss options for implementing those changes. 

What is the purpose of nutrition counseling?

Getting professional nutritional guidance can help you manage many health issues including weight management, improved fitness, chronic conditions, eating disorders, athletic performance and overall health. We believe in nutrition as therapy for most major and minor health issues.

Is nutrition counseling covered by insurance?

Most health insurance providers allow for some nutritional counseling on an annual basis. Check with your provider or call our office to learn more. We don’t believe money should be an obstacle when it comes to getting you the proper nutrition.

Schedule an appointment for nutrition counseling near me today!

We look forward to helping you towards more mindful eating and better nutrition. Schedule your appointment with Odom today.