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Auto Accident Injury Rehab in Minneapolis

Odom Health & Wellness is your destination auto accident injury rehab in Minneapolis. Our team of health and pain management experts will help you on your journey from injury to recovery after unfortunate and potentially life-changing injuries. We pride ourselves on patient outcomes and a personalized experience that helps you get healthy and stay healthy. 

 Start your auto accident injury treatment at our clinic in Minneapolis, MN. Click the link below to schedule an appointment or learn more about how we can help you feel better after your traumatic event.

Car Accident Injury Treatment

Dr. Odom has an extensive background in emergency medicine and orthopedic injuries and conditions. Dr. Odom, along with our team of physical therapists and wellness practitioners, treats auto accident patients on a weekly basis. We fully understand the complexities of your injuries and customize care on an individual basis.

We are experienced in diagnosing injuries and implementing a proper plan of care that treats recent injuries while also addressing long-lasting, nagging symptoms. By employing a team of doctors, physical therapists, and massage therapists, we can reduce your pain, increase your range of motion, and restore your health. Let’s put your crash in the past and get you back to feeling your best.

Woman exercise outdoors on deck

Learn more about how we can help you with treatment for your car accident injuries.

Male and female drivers on road, car accident

Auto Accident Injuries We Specialize In


Whiplash occurs due to sudden acceleration-deceleration forces and is extremely common in rear-end car accidents. This type of injury requires a multifaceted approach in physical therapy. Therapists focus on restoring range of motion, reducing pain, and strengthening neck muscles. This involves gentle exercises, manual therapy such as massage and joint mobilization, and heat or ice therapy. Posture correction exercises and gradual progression of activities aid in regaining strength and flexibility while minimizing further injury risks.

Back Injuries

Back injuries sustained in auto accidents range from strains and sprains to more severe conditions such as herniated discs or fractures. Physical therapy aims to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore function. Treatment modalities include stretching exercises, core strengthening exercises, modalities such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation, manual therapy techniques, and ergonomic education to prevent re-injury. Emphasis is placed on stabilizing the spine, enhancing posture, and progressively enhancing strength and flexibility to support the injured area.


Headaches post–auto accidents may stem from various causes, including muscle tension, nerve irritation, or concussions. Physical therapy targets underlying causes and symptoms through a tailored approach. Techniques such as manual therapy, postural correction exercises, relaxation techniques, and modalities such as heat or cold therapy may be employed. Addressing muscle imbalances, improving posture, and promoting relaxation aids in headache management and prevention.

Nerve Damage

Nerve damage resulting from auto injuries can lead to pain, numbness, or weakness. Physical therapy focuses on reducing symptoms and improving nerve function through targeted exercises and modalities. Techniques such as nerve gliding exercises, manual therapy, and electrical stimulation may be utilized. Gradual progression of activities helps prevent further nerve irritation while promoting healing and restoration of function.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue injuries, such as muscle strains or ligament sprains, commonly occur in auto accidents. Physical therapy interventions aim to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and restore tissue integrity. Treatment may include gentle stretching, strengthening exercises, manual therapy techniques, and modalities such as ultrasound or cold therapy. Emphasis is placed on progressive loading and tissue mobilization to facilitate recovery while minimizing scar tissue formation.

Joint Damage

Auto accidents can cause joint damage, such as dislocations or sprains, necessitating targeted physical therapy interventions. Therapists focus on reducing pain, restoring joint mobility, and improving function. Treatment modalities may include joint mobilization techniques, therapeutic exercises, modalities such as heat or cold therapy, and functional rehabilitation. Gradual progression of activities and strengthening exercises help in rebuilding stability and preventing future joint issues.

Regenerative Medicine for Auto Injury Recovery

Odom Health & Wellness is a proud provider of regenerative medicine services in Minneapolis. Regenerative medicine encompasses a range of innovative techniques aimed at harnessing the body’s natural healing processes to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. In the context of auto injuries, regenerative medicine offers promising avenues for treatment by promoting tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and accelerating the healing process.

Through approaches such as Mesenchymal stem cell therapy, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, regenerative medicine seeks to address the underlying causes of auto injuries and facilitate the restoration of function in affected tissues. These techniques leverage the body’s own biological resources, such as stem cells, growth factors, and signaling molecules, to promote tissue regeneration and repair.

Our team can stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to improve outcomes for individuals with auto injuries, including faster recovery times, reduced pain and inflammation, and enhanced tissue function. These advanced therapies hold promise for transforming the treatment landscape for auto injuries, offering patients new hope for improved quality of life and long-term recovery.

Use regenerative medicine to treat your pain
Woman exercise outdoors on deck

Does Health Insurance Cover Accident Injuries?

Auto Accident Injury services are often covered by an auto accident claim or your insurance. Odom Health & Wellness is in-network with most insurance companies. Our team will work with you, your insurance provider, and/or your lawyer to ensure that you receive a proper and professional care plan as well as guidance with your insurance and any other issues associated with your auto accident injury rehab.

Visit Odom Health & Wellness in Minneapolis for Auto Accident Injury Recovery

If you’re seeking effective and comprehensive care to recover from auto injuries or car crashes, we invite you to visit Odom Health & Wellness in Minneapolis. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals specializes in providing personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, aimed at promoting quick and sustainable recovery.

At Odom Health & Wellness, we offer a holistic approach to rehabilitation, integrating cutting-edge techniques, including physical therapy, chiropractic care, regenerative medicine, and more. Our goal is to not only alleviate pain and discomfort but also to address the root causes of your injuries, enabling you to regain function and mobility efficiently.

Don’t let auto injuries hold you back. Visit Odom Health & Wellness in Minneapolis today and take the first step toward a speedy and complete recovery. Your health and wellness are our top priorities, and we’re committed to helping you get back to living life to the fullest.