6545 Flying Cloud Drive #201,
Eden Prairie MN 55344

Meet Our Experts

Discover the talented individuals behind our success and see how their experiences can help you reach your goals.

Medical Team

Emma Reeder

Medical Assistant

Nathaniel Van Loon PA-C

Physician Assistant

Physical Therapy Team

Andrew Moran PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Director of Physical Therapy

Caty Schultz PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Gretta Adams PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Ian Manske, PTA

Physical Therapy Assistant

Jake Toedter PT, DPT, Cert. DN

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Sarah DeSautel PT, DPT

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Wellness Team

Austin Kelly, CPT

Personal Trainer

Mary Krueger

Massage Therapist

Kenna Rautio

Massage Therapist

Jack Standal, CPT

Personal Trainer

Non-Clinical Team

Carly Goodrich

Patient Care Coordinator

Harrison Odom

Sales and Recruiting

Stephanie Schwarz

Billing Specialist