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Can Physical Therapy Help After Car Accident?

by | Jan 28, 2019 | Functional Medicine, Healthy Living, Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Stress Relief

Car Accident Physical Therapy

Car crashes are often unavoidable and mostly inconvenient. Whether it is a fender-bender or severe collision; the burdens of insurance, vehicle damage and loss of time at work are only compounded by injury or pain from a car accident. Oftentimes, symptoms from auto accidents may not become obvious immediately, but when left untreated, sometimes become chronic neck pain, chronic back pain or other chronic injury. Some insurance policies may have time limits on how long after a car accident you need to seek care in order for them to cover your medical costs. Because of those reasons, it is important to seek Physical Therapy to address issues that may arise after an accident.

How Will Physical Therapy Help My Pain?

A Physical Therapist is skilled in using a multitude of manual therapy techniques to help with decreasing pain, swelling and bruising that might have been caused by an auto accident. They will also work to regain mobility by loosening muscles and other tissues that are tight, then help you to strengthen those tissues in order to restore your movement and function, and help prevent future injuries and chronic conditions.

Can Odom Health and Wellness Help Me?

At Odom Health and Wellness in Minnetonka, Minnesota, our Physical Therapists are able to help you reduce your pain after an auto accident and help you restore movement and function by utilizing hands-on manual therapy techniques, dry needling, taping, exercise education and neuromuscular training. In addition, we also have a board certified Physician, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists and Personal Trainers on staff to provide a collaborative treatment experience that is specifically designed to return you to your optimal health.